Saturday, July 25, 2009

Aren't I a grown-up?

I have a serious fanfic habit.

As in, might be considered clinical, type of habit.

An acquaintance of mine turned me onto it about 2 months ago, and I've become obsessed. The hubs has stopped bugging me about it, but I know it annoys the shit out of him. I blame it on my incessant need to read. Some of it is pure smut, which, I'll admit, is pretty awesome. But, some of it has chapters of nothing but actual plot & story, and I love it!

I pretty much only read "Twilight" fanfic (yeah yeah, start the flame wars; I don't give a shit). I loved the books, I blew through them in less than a week. I was a tad late to the whole hysteria. Not gonna lie, the movie didn't really do the book justice. Rob Pattinson is one sexy ass man though. He & Jackson Rathbone are on my list. You know the one I'm talking about.

I used to write original stories when I was younger, but I've never felt like I had a secure enough grasp of the English language or a big enough imagination to create a whole complex fictional world that made sense to someone reading it. To be honest, reading fanfic is one of the reasons that I've been thinking of changing my major. Well, that and the fact that I'm not sure I'll have enough patience to be a teacher and will end up smacking some smart-ass kid in the head.

I've always been a voracious reader and thought maybe I could do something with that. But, unless I want to be an editor, there really isn't much. Plus, editors have to read a bunch of shit that's completely awful and yet try to tell the author that it'll make them rich and become a best seller.

But, then there's my love of music. I thought about maybe becoming a music therapist. I know first hand that music can sooth the savage beasts in little kids. It's sad: I feel like I'm 17 years old again, trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. You'd think I'd have a grasp on that by now.

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