I consider myself to be a pretty tolerant person. I don't hate any one group of people, or really any one group of anything. I may not love it, or understand it, but I don't hate it.
With the exception of the sound of people chewing food. Loudly.
I love most things about my husband. Even the things that I don't particularly favor, I can handle, because I love him. And I KNOW there are things about me that drive him up the wall. That's what a relationship is about: finding a balance.
That being said, there are times when I could just scream at him,"Will you PLEASE stop chewing your food like a g*ddamn cow???"
People are loud and noisy. It's just part of being a walking, talking, sentient being. We fart, we burp, we laugh, we cough, we cry, we blow raspberries on other people's stomachs. Some of these noises are pleasant, some are not, but necessary so we don't explode or die from our lungs filling up with phlegm.
So, when I'm sitting at the table, trying to read or study or even surf the Internet, and it's quiet..and peaceful..and my husband sits down with a bowl of something, and proceeds to chew it so loudly, I'm surprised our sleeping children aren't awakened by the jackhammering that his mouth is doing, needless to say I can get a little irritated.
And he wonders why I always have my earbuds in.
It's not like my ears are that sensitive or that he's extremely loud. I think it's just one of those things where it REALLY bugs me. Like bad drivers, or whiny children.
Come to think of it, a lot of shit bugs me.
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